I thought I'd share another project I've been exploring which is decorating Moleskin journals.
Decorating Moleskin journals isn't very hard. Some artists will draw and use white charcoal pencils. For me, the source of this inspiration is this artist's work:http://lily-fox.deviantart.com/art/Telescope-journal-159123408?q=gallery%3Alily-fox%2F12725567&qo=3
Some of us aren't that talented and I wouldn't know what to draw so right now I'm starting with simple. And when I say simple I mean stamps =)
They get the job done just as well. Although I do plan on drawing and seeing how that goes. Perhaps you'll see him in the near future. His name is Eli and he's a baby elephant =3
Below are me testing out the stamps and white charcoal pencil. There's also a speck of gold paint.

Thanks for viewing!
Take care,
That's super cute!